Year: 2017

Luther at the Diet of Worms, by Anton von Werner, 1877

What is the Reformation and Why is it so Important to Sacred Music?

October 17, 2017

from The Concise Guide to Western Music, Barbara Russano Hanning (Professor of Music, The City College and Graduate Center, CUNY) The Reformation began as a theological dispute that was set…

The Vespers

April 4, 2017

In 1610 Monteverdi published one of his finest works, the Vespers, comprising a Mass, 2 Magnificats, 11 “motets,” and an orchestral sonata. In it he combines solos, ensembles, choral writing…

New Carissimi Eight Motets CD!

February 15, 2017

Our latest CD! Giacomo Carissimi was one of the most admired of seventeenth-century Italian composers. The maestro from Marino, near Rome, acquired a Europe-wide fame at an early age and…